
The following README articulates how to setup your development environment for development with Python for AppDev-related projects.

  1. Download Atom

  2. Install Nuclide

  3. Check this box in the Nuclide options screen under the "Hyperclick" header:

  1. Uncheck this box in the Nuclide options screen under the "Nuclide-python" header:

  1. Restart Atom

  2. Add the following to the bottom of your config.cson for Atom, found by going to Atom > Config...:

    tabLength: 2
  1. Make sure the following packages are downloaded (install them if they are not):

  1. Refer the linter-pylint package to this directory's .pylintrc file:


Here is a great resource for understanding the general format of the .pylintrc file. Changes are welcome, so long as they make sense, and PR's are required to make any major changes to linting configs, as this affects how we interact with our code.

Last updated