
The following README articulates how to setup your development environment for client-side and server-side development with JavaScript for AppDev-related projects.


For client-side development, we will be using ES6 syntax with Flow type-checking our code. In addition, we will have a linter run through Atom.

Before we start, the following devDependencies are required:

  "babel-cli": "*",
  "babel-jest": "*",
  "babel-preset-flow": "*",
  "flow-bin": "*",

For convenience:

npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-jest babel-preset-flow flow-bin

NOTE: All ES6-related transpiling-, Babel, and Webpack-related things should be configured by someone who knows what they're doing. If you are having issues, seek the leads' help.

  1. Download Atom

  2. Install Nuclide

  3. Check this box in the Nuclide options screen:

... and restart Atom

  1. Point Nuclide to use the project's local Flow bin directory. Go to Nuclide's options page in Atom, find the Nuclide-flow settings, and check the following box:

  1. Ensure your .babelrc looks something like this:

  "presets": [
    // Other presets
  1. Clone this repo and npm install in the js directory to setup your global ESLint config.

  2. Point your ESLint Atom Plugin to the directory containing this repo in the following way:


Essentially the same as above, but with a slightly different Webpack config. Ask leads for help if this is not setup already.


To setup our core js modules:

git clone
cd appdev.js
npm install
npm run build
npm link # Links local NPM module in your global npm config
cd ..

Then, you'll be able to run npm link appdev in all AppDev JS projects to have access to the library. Be sure to also add the library to the [libs] section of your .flowconfig

Last updated