Making a Pull Request

Guide on how to properly make a iOS pull request on Github

Before submitting a PR for review

  1. If there is not one already, make a Github issue describing what it is that you are going to be tackling inside your PR. The issue should be of appropriate scope.

  2. Make a new branch with the title in the format of name/feature-being-worked-on. For example, if I were trying to fix swiftlint issues in my PR, I would title my branch kevin/swiftlint-fixes.

  3. Commit messages should be specific, in complete sentences, and in the present tense. For example, avoid using something like "fixed issues" and instead use something like "Fixes all forced unwrapping swiftlint errors".

  4. Once you are done working on your branch, it is time to submit a PR for review.

Submitting a PR for Review

  1. The title of your PR should summarize what you accomplished in your branch as well as be in the present tense. For example, avoid using "swiftlint fix" and instead use something like "Fixes all swiftlint errors in HomeViewController".

  2. In the summary section, begin by linking the Github issue that this PR is tackling

  3. Provide a brief summary of the approach you took to solve the issue

  4. Provided a brief test plan of your changes. This could either be a screenshot/video recording or just a description of the steps you took to ensure that your changes did not break anything.

Requesting Reviewers

In addition to requesting a review from every other subteam member on your pod, you should request a review from the iOS Lead and your external reviewers.

Last updated