Git Issues
This year we'd like to standardize our git issues so it's easier for members to see what each pod is working on.
The title of an issue should have:
Proper capitalization - so as to the standardize the style of our issues and be more readable for the open-source community
Start with a verb - so to better describe what someone should do
Example: Proper capitalization
delete extraneous branches
Delete extraneous branches
fix bug in Route class
Fix bug in Route class
Example: Start with a verb
Search bar bug
Fix search bar bug
Fabric setup
Setup Fabric
Font size should be smaller
Make font size smaller
Updating to latest Swift
Update to latest Swift
We'll use 2 types of labels to describe the issue:
Priority - how urgent is the issue to the pod
Type - what kind of problem does this issue address
Hex Color
Priority: Critical
For issues that break the master branch
Priority: High
For issues that the pod wants to work on first
Priority: Medium
For issues that the pod wants to work on but are not high priority
Priority: Low
For issues that the pod may want to work on later in the future
Priority: Never
For issues that the pod will not work on
Hex Color
Type: Bug
For issues that address bugs in the app
Type: Design
For issues that change or add to the visuals of the app
Type: Feature
For issues that add a new feature to the app
Type: Enhancement
For issues that will add to the app, but are not necessarily stand -alone features
Type: Maintenance
For issues that help keep the app stable
We'll also have miscellaneous labels can be used to describe additional aspects of an issue:
Hex Color
Note: Question
For issues that need further information or discussion
Note: Help Wanted
For issues that need more eyes
Note: Good First Issue
For issues that will help new members onboard
Note: Duplicate
For issues that already exists
Creating these labels for new repositories can be tedious, since GitHub does not have a feature for copying labels at this time. This CLI tool is convienient for copying labels and described how to use it.
Last updated